Strategic Planning

Strategic planning represents the core of IQ’s management consulting services. The creation and implementation of a strategic plan is essential to an organization’s long-term vitality, effectiveness, and sustainability. Strategic plans take many forms and vary in length, depending on your organization’s unique needs and resources. As a result, the strategic planning process can also vary from a more rapid, intensive approach typically lasting three to six months to a highly inclusive community and research-driven process extending up to 12 months.

Mirroring the Inspiration Quest model, our strategic planning framework incorporates the following elements:

Inspired Thought:

  • Assess the opportunities (Environmental Scan)
  • Articulate a compelling vision and mission
  • Establish shared values
  • Frame the key choices and trade-offs

Focused Action:

  • Define multi-year goals and supporting objectives
  • Identify resource requirements and interdependencies
  • Build an implementation action plan


  • Establish a collective commitment to implementation
  • Bolster critical success factors
  • Address internal and external barriers to success
  • Actively monitor and refine the plan